Array Rome: We Were The Avant-garde - Biographical videos, touch screens, video installations

Rome: We Were The Avant-garde

Rome: We Were The Avant-garde

This exhibition is a journey of discovery into an avantgarde Rome among critical and underground workshops: a story told by images dedicated to the activities of Graziella Lonardi Buontempo. This exhibition is the first to be completely dedicated to a rereading of two fundamental moments in the history of contemporary art linked to the city of Rome: Vitality of the negative in Italian art 1960/70, which in 1970 transformed the Palazzo delle Esposizioni into a gigantic multimedia container, and Contemporary, the international interdisciplinary review which, thanks to an incredibly inspired decision, was inaugurated in the underground car park of Villa Borghese.

Produced by MACRO Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma
touch screen with  2000 pictures
video: 20’, col.

Exibition by: Luca Massimo Barbero

Director - Fabrizio Galatea
Scientific research: Francesca Pola
Motion graphics - Marco Fantozzi, Isabela Giurgiu
DOP - Paolo Rapalino
Programming– Fabrizio Bonaga
Music - Fabio Coggiola
Speaker - Cesare Rasini
Editing - Lucio Viglierchio

P.Iva e C.F. 06278280018    Iscrizione Albo Cooperative n. A101724    Capitale sociale Euro 59.556,98 i.v.    Iscritta al Reg. Imprese di Torino n. 06278280018    REA n. 775996    Reg. Tribunale TO 1421/92

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