Array The Shadow of the Godfather - Documentaries

The Shadow of the Godfather

The Shadow of the Godfather

For those born in Sicily, the mafia is like a shadow, something which accompanies you from birth but of which it is difficult to obtain a clear idea. This film is an intimate piece of research into that shadow, starting with the writer's own personal story and with the aim of dismantling the stereotypes that have identified the mafia with Sicilian culture in general. In the search for the origins of "Cosa Nostra", one finds the reponsibilities of a corrupt political and economic system. One also meets the many myths attached to the mafia, from the world of cinema to American emigration, and from popular belief to religious faith, all of which contribute to the creation of confusion and ambiguity.

Co-production Zenit Arti Audiovisive and Stella Productions
With the support of  Mibact, Programma Sensi Contemporanei per il Cinema e l’Audiovisivo, Regione Siciliana – Assessorato Turismo Sport e Spettacolo – Ufficio Speciale per il Cinema e L’audiovisivo, Sicilia Film Commission, Regione Corsica

Written and directed by Giuseppe Schillaci
Produced by Massimo Arvat e Dominique Tiberi
DOP: Irma Vecchio
Editing: Massimiliano Minissale
Sound: Danilo Romancino
Line producer: Francesca Portalupi
Archives research: Domenico Rizzo
Sound design: Almendra Music
Music: Gianluca Cangemi


On August the 10th, 1959 Italian government signed a treaty with the US providing that ten nuclear missile bases were installed on Italian territory

Every summer on Palermo’s Mondello beach over one thousand cabins are built ready to host as many families who will spend the holidays there

And while the world dreams about and fears this object of the future, in that small lab with tainted black windows, our 4 pioneers invented the P101

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