Array My Light - Documentaries

My Light

My Light

Around three years ago I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. Today, after three
sessions of chemotherapy undergone in strict isolation and several months of treatment,
I'm in a limbo which lies somewhere between remission and recovery from the disease.
So I decided to confront my fear, return to the ward and try to rediscover a part of myself. As I began to go back through my life in reverse, I bumped into Sabrina. She had shared with me one of the rooms in which I had stayed. Together we decided we would fight her battle, our battle, resting on each other's shoulders, both in need of dialogue and comfort, searching for that instant when one ceases to be a patient and starts to be a human being again...

2015 - 82 min.

Production: Zenit Arti Audiovisive
In collaboration with: RAI CINEMA
With the support of:
Piemonte Doc Film Fund - Fondo Regionale per il Documentario, Fondazione Scientifica Mauriziana
Associazione Aipe La Speranza,  Associazione DocAbout
Banca di Cherasco Credito Cooperativo

Written and directed by: Lucio Viglierchio

Produced by: Massimo Arvat, Francesca Portalupi
DOP: Lucio Viglierchio, Sandro De Frino
Second unit: Fabio Colazzo, Paolo Rapalino, Paolo Batoli Montaggio: Marco Duretti
Music: Massimo Volume, Niccolò Bosio
Sound Design: Niccolò Bosio
Color correction: Marco Fantozzi
Administration: Luana Rao, Studio CGA Comunicazione: Giorgia Fassiano

Web Doc made by Docabout
Ideation: Alessandro Bernard
Computer programming: Massimo Schiro
Graphics and art direction: Carlo Zummo – Lachimica Design
Campaign manager: Giorgia Fassiano

With: Sabrina Caggiano, Elisa Caggiano, Alessandro Cignetti, Benedetto Bruno, Massimo Lanza, Silvia Bartolucci, Nora Viglierchio, Andreina Piana, Marco Ruella, Cristina Mentone, Barbara Troncon, Elisabetta Riccobono, Rosanna Cubello, Daniela Stermieri, Gerardina Sparano, Rossella Condemi, Giulia Bassano


Tarika is a Medium: through her abilities to penetrate the world of the invisible, Sirio and Nadia meet their departed relatives and discover a deeper sense to their own humanity.

A unique document about a turning point in Italian youth culture at the beginning of the 90ies, through music and the places where it was played.

Saluggia, a small agricultural municipality in the province of Vercelli just 40 km from Turin, holds the majority of the nuclear waste produced in Italy

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