Array Peter's Dream - Documentaries

Peter's Dream

Peter's Dream

Peter's Dream tells the story of a unique educational project held in 2005 in Nairobi, Kenya: 56 boys and girls from the slums wrote and filmed 21 short films for the National Geographic Channel.

One of them was Peter Kamau, a 13 year old street boy. Dream is the title of the story he wrote and is also Peter's biggest desire: going back to school, after more than 2 years on the streets. In Nairobi this is not an easy task. But with the help of Samuel, 24 year old social worker and ex street child himself, Peter may succeed…

An AMREF and Mestiere Cinema co-production

2007, DigiBeta 54'

Written, filmed and directed by: Enrico Cerasuolo

Produced by: Guido Cerasuolo (Mestiere Cinema)
Editor: Cristina Monti
Suond: Fabio Coggiola
Music: Taté Nsongan, Gilson, Rehab Soldiers
Distribuzione Italy: AMREF Italia
World Sales: GA&A Productions, Roma

Featuring: Peter Kamau, Samuel Navutanyi, John Muiruri


Best feature documentary at A Film for Peace festival, 2008


Festival del Cinema Africano, 2007
Bellaria Film Festival, 2007
Venice Film Meeting, 2007
Piemontemovie, 2008
Cinema &/è Lavoro, 2008


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